
The incredibly charming city of Verona offers everything you may desire from an Italian top destination. The city center is fairly small (most of it is pedestrian), has glorious past, beautiful setting, amazing monuments and

VeronaArenadelicious food.
My advice is a walking tour starting from Porta Nuova and Piazza Bra, where the massive Roman Arena, still remarkably well preserved, stands out in the square. It’s home to Arena Opera Festival and several concerts.
Walk through via Mazzini towards the city center: Piazza delle Erbe, once the Roman Forum, now home to a market and outdoor cafes, the Torre dei Lamberti, a medieval bell tower and the Piazza dei Signori, a small square surrounded by monumental buildings, once the seat of the city’s public institutions.
Not far from Piazza dei signori the Arche Scaligere, five Gothic funerary monuments.
Heading to the Duomo (Cathedral), a stunning complex of buildings that includes remains of a 4th century paleo-Christian basilica, take some time to admire the old Roman bridge, the “Ponte di Pietra”.
Don’t miss Porta Borsari, an ancient Roman gate, and, of course, have a look to what is known to be the house and balcony of Juliet (just popular belief), example of Gothic architecture.